Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Random Crawlies

Macro Photography by Ryan Macalandag

Random Things-2

Random Things-4

For more photos, please visit my flickr set.

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Lazy Saturday - Motocross Practice

Photos by Ryan Macalandag

Motocross Practice-3

Lazy Saturdays aren't so nice. Lazy Sundays are but never Saturdays. It's not time to rest and be lazy yet, it seems. And when there's nothing much to do, I become fidgety. Especially when nursing a throbbing head from Friday's nightcap.

So, I guess it was a good thing that Earl (Rhea's - Roy's sister - hubby) had invited me to watch a motocross practice in Baclayon. Earl used to ride but since a clutch handle pierced his left stomach open, he quit. That or Rhea is adamant about keeping him safe.

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Windsor and Butch, both riders for Bohol-based Team Du Ek Sam, were already running laps, practicing corners and churning mud all over the place when we arrived. The sound of the revvs and the smell of burnt oil added to the whole feel of the track.

Motocross Practice

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The two riders were practicing for a national finals race in Carcar, Cebu the following week. Butch relates that they had to practice cornerning since that's where you either earn or lose crucial seconds. Practicing in mud also helps. The more track conditions a rider is familiar with, the better the chances are on race day.

Windsor, on the other hand, designs tracks. He designed this Baclayon track and was to push for Cebu a few days after to design the Carcar track - the very track he will be competing at. Talk about a huge advantage.

Motocross Practice-4

More photos in my flickr account.

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