Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Strobist Boot Camp Headshot Assignment

Lighting: Flash bounced to a white foamcore on the left and DIY roof insulation reflector on the right. I compensated for the exposure 2 stops down to soften the sunset on the background (from the Strobist tutorial). Very minimal PS contrast adjustment, sharpening and cleaning done.

Equipement: Canon EOS 300D and two able-bodied (and cheap) assistants as lighting stands/grips.

Behind the pic: Just right in time for the Strobist Bootcamp assignment, a group of Bohol-based singers were hiring me to do the photography, graphics and lay-out for their album. Consequently, some photos in this series were published on the lifestyle section of a local newspaper. Posted this without permission since copyrights are mine as per agreement. :)

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