Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Monday, October 02, 2006

Regina's Sepia Portraits

One lazy fore-lunch morning, with a digital camera in tow, I was prodding Reg to pose for me. "I'm testing the sepia effect of this one", I told her and showed her a snapshot. Suprisingly, she indulged me. And sensing that this was gonna be a rare opportunity, I indulged myself too. Luved the shots.

(Please click on the photo to view larger image.)


  1. Aherm. Dudes, your kissy photos made me blush. I felt like the parent stumbling upon her daughter's stash of "afterglow" pics. Haha!

    But I LOVE your shots. Gilok tan-awn. I likey.

  2. didnt know my freestyle bud is good in photographs nice pictures, and you and your wife seems to be a very cool couple indeed! yo, keep it up..
    add me on ym, madcatz_troy@yahoo.com
    nice game..
