Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Friday, February 09, 2007

PhotoBin: Joven

This is the first batch of photos from the session I had with Joven. It was really a good thing that I had Lourd, Jude and Reg as my assistants since I'm practically new to "concept" photography. I usually shoot weddings, commercial stuff and what nots.

We were supposed to start the session at around 5pm but Lourd - whose Visatec strobes we were using - had a meeting and to postpone to an hour later. Around 6pm, the sky was getting dark (my initial concept was dark day), we started setting up the lights and our model started fixing herself up. Now, I have never done this before so I was getting nervous.

We started at around 6.45pm and tried different stuff, my hands shaking all along. But Lourd (being the master photographer and mentor that he is) prodded and encouraged me. Jude and Reg helped also. Of course, Joven was really cooperative so I guess we got some keepers. I think.

Happy viewing. =)



Photography by: Ryan Macalandag
Location: Lourd's House
Equipment: Canon EOS D60, EF 28-135 3.5-5.6, Visatec Strobe Heads
Assistants: Lourd, Jude and Reg
Talent: Joven
Talent Scout: Sherwin Tutor

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