Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Personal: Batch 97 Final Meeting Slideshow

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Friday, July 06, 2007

Photobin: Miss Tagbilaran 2007 Swimsuit Shoot

It's been almost a couple months now since the pageant. But,I never got around posting these pics yet. Anyways,Sandugo season is coming and news is the Miss Sandugo beauty pageant won't happen this year. Mayor Lim just won't allow it, sources confirm. A lot of people have been debating over this issue for the past week. Some are furious why it's not pushing through while some are quite happy.

Cherry Cherry Cherry Ladz

Featured contestants: Ladz, Cherry, Angeli and Cheezel
For more of photos go to this Flickr set.

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Photobin: Alfonso Varquez

Alfonso Varquez, originally uploaded by Ryan Macalandag.

Loboc, Bohol, Philippines -- Alfonso "Nong Ponso" Varquez poses in front of a mural bearing an old picture of the Loboc Band he once was a member of. Up to this day he still has a great passion for music thus making him the best choice to be the curator of the music section of the Loboc Museum.

Lighting Info: One Vivitar 283 on-cam bounced to opposite wall for a greater subject to light-size ratio.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Photobin: Syringes

Syringes, originally uploaded by Ryan Macalandag.

Please click on photo for more information and to view a much larger size. Thank you.

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Photobin: Little Child Posing

Little Child Posing, originally uploaded by Ryan Macalandag.

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