Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Friday, July 06, 2007

Photobin: Alfonso Varquez

Alfonso Varquez, originally uploaded by Ryan Macalandag.

Loboc, Bohol, Philippines -- Alfonso "Nong Ponso" Varquez poses in front of a mural bearing an old picture of the Loboc Band he once was a member of. Up to this day he still has a great passion for music thus making him the best choice to be the curator of the music section of the Loboc Museum.

Lighting Info: One Vivitar 283 on-cam bounced to opposite wall for a greater subject to light-size ratio.

1 comment:

  1. Recollection: Sir Varquez was my high school music teacher at Holy Spirit! I remember, we were practicing our notes when an earthquake happened. Yet with his baton, he prodded us to continue singing!?:)
