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Monday, January 26, 2009

Videos: Pachelbel's Canon in D

Grabbed from Youtube.com

Yeah, it's a classical piece, I know. But, listening to this song sometimes gives me the chicken skin. I had found this Korean guy on Youtube who plays two guitars at once playing classical and I saw the Canon amongst his playlist. It's quite amazing really.

(Click the link for more.)

And so I searched some more and remembered that Canon was one of the OST for the Korean (another Korean!) movie "My Sassy Girl" - my all time favorite romantic-comedy movie of all time. And found this clip.

I almost cried with that one. I think that modified version was in C not D. But it was lovely none the less.

I scanned and searched some more to find this beautiful beautiful version. This is an audio only video (what's up with that?) done with violins/cielo as Pachelbel originally had written it for.

Now, I cried on that one. Literally. Literal tears welled up and literally rolled down my literal cheeks. Made me miss my wife.huhuhu

Anyways, let me leave with this clip from Rob Paravonian, a less-known comedian from the states but still very funny. Here's his take on his most hated "one-hit-wonder".

There. I hope you enjoyed all the videos. Thanks Youtube! :p

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