Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, December 18, 2003

damn rain won't stop...

most ppl have been grumbling all day. mostly coz it's too cold and their jackets and sweaters do not match the current trend anymore or that they get muddy in the seldom repaired streets. road repairs and cold weather seem to go hand in hand out here. ppl don't mind until they get stung themselves. i work at a public office btw. hehe

it's the 18th today. a couple friends - taweng and bem2x - will be celebrating their bdays. i won't probably be goin' to their parties because of the rain - i got a motorbike for a ride and they don't come with roofs and windshields. on the other hand, it will be cool (literally too! argh!) to drop by wet. hmmm...some tanduay rhum would really be helpful...hehe

anyways, gotta rhum..i mean rhun..no...run. there. :p
