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Friday, September 29, 2006

Lazy Blogger

Dinah, one of Regina's more blog-addict friends, wrote somewhere that she's read my blog. Which could only mean that through all the corporate promos and inses(s)ant sales-talks with friends that I had was a success. Finally, someone noticed. Uncoerced by the way. (Well, she was guided but never forcefully...after a dozen tries).

Hehehe. I guess I'd have to prim up and kick my lazy but to update and post more. As if I have anything to post. LOLZ!


  1. Ah, FINALLY! I get to be called a blog-addict. Gives me a tingling sensation in my loins. I'm linking your blog in my UserInfo page, whether you like it or not!

  2. why? why? why does it take dinah for you to say you are noticed? why?
