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Friday, September 29, 2006

Netscape News Frenzy

When your mother often scolded you as a kid decades ago about not talking too much lies and deceits (or counter-lies and counter-deceits), she was actually warning you about how the world would change in the future.

Your future then, she thought and forewarned, would be full of lies and deceit, and counter-lies and counter-deceits, that they'd actually pass off as truth and honesty not just in your neigborhoods but more devastatingly in well repsected institutions such as news companies, etc., etc. Which is what is happening over at Netscape, Digg and other user-based news gathering websites.

Thing is, users get to look for "news" and post it in the websites (as links) so other users can read and vote for the "best news" of the day/week/year. The user with the most posts gets something in return. They get paid.

Sadly, most of the "news" that gets posted, read and voted are news at all. Most are just "qualified" rants and raves of people who think they know too much yet have their own different agenda. Talk about fair and un-biased journalism.

Good for you though. You've been forewarned by your mother about them people. So the next time you get snaggled by these types of "news", be polite and just say, "Right." And move on.

Chill! :)

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