Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Gear: Nokia 6300

About a year ago and some months, my wife (girlfriend then) and I were cruising along the highway on a motorbike. Suddenly without notice, my Smartphone plopped out of my pocket and fell hard on the road. As if it was not enough, a huge-ass bus behind us finished the little gizmo off into little tiny pieces. Back to using my trusty old N3310 again.

Until recently, I got this, the new Nokia 6300:

Sleek, nice and spiffy. Easily connects to a PC too with a USB. Came with a 128mb micro-SD card. Best of all, it came with Sudoko, a very useful game if you got lots of time to burn away.

(More of this set, here.)
Photos by Ryan Macalandag
Gear: Nikon D80, SB-600, white illustration board
Copyright ©2007 All rights reserved.

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