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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Travel: Camiguin, Island Born of Fire

I was properly corrected by my travel companions when I said (matter of factly) that Camiguin is the "Island of Fire" which if course is quite different when you say "Island Born of Fire" (which is really how this volcanic island is described). My online research the day before we sailed to Camiguin was done in real haste. Can you tell?

Frames of Camiguin

The boat ride to Camiguin was not pleasant. Not at all. Our luck was smooth as the sea rocked by the storm that sailed with us to the island born of fire. Huge waves struck our boat to a shudder as rain sploshed all over us. Talk about eco-adventure. This was the real deal.

Our boat San Pedro 3 had to maneuver to a fairly manageable cove to dock and unhaul us out of our misery.

San Pedro at the Beach copy

Tangub Hot Spring by the Sea copy

Rocky Beach at the Sunken Cemetary copy

Confronting the Surf copy

Empty Lanzones Crates copy

Rocks and Boys copy

The photos above are only some of the photos I took. Most of the bunch were of us, tourists that we were, ludging our lazy butts around the island. I'm sure most of us had a wonderful time.

I will post more photos later, when I'm able. (Read: When I'm not too lazy anymore.)

Photos by Ryan Macalandag
Gear: Nikon D80
Copyright �2007 All rights reserved.

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