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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Photobin: Lovely Couple at the Hippy Party

These photos were from a few months back during a "Hippies Party" at Miriam and Sebastian's house. As I was reviewing this website, I saw that I haven't posted these pictures here yet. I just felt compelled to put these up.

Hippy Couple

Hippy Couple

Hippy Couple

Hippy Couple

It might be due to the quantity of alcohol I took that I forgot their name. Apologies. They are Antonio's friends. They are a beautiful couple indeed.

(Edit: Thanks to their comments, now I know their name - it's Gertjan & Marielle.)


  1. Is that us? We are honoured to be on your blog, scrolling it is really worthwile: great pics!! Love, peace and flowers (to stay in the hippy style), the lovely couple ;-)

    Gertjan & Marielle

  2. Hey, guys! Sorry I really didn't get (or forgot) your names at the party. It's probably the booze that made me forget. hehehe

    BTW, there's an 80's party comming up in the next months. Maybe you'd wanna visit Bohol again to join us.

    Thanks for dropping by! Cheers!
