Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Photobin: My New Portable/Home Studio

Studio Photography by Ryan Macalandag


I had made myself a portable/home studio to add to my gear list. It's not the expensive studio equipment but instead the cheap yet sleek and portable. I can bring it almost any where.




I had purchased a background stand in Manila last December from Hobby Depot for a very reasonable price. I also bought background sheets from a local department store. Bought the stiff sheets for cross stitching. Made nice backdrops too.

I had also purchased an old SB-24 online for a steal. I now have 3 flashes including the SB-600 and the Vivitar 283. Cool. Strobist.hehe

The photos above are just some initial experiments. Had some good shots too. Lighting really made the photos pop I think.

Note to self: get real models next time.

For more of this set, please click here.

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