Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Travel: Davao at last!

Travel Photography by Ryan Macalandag

In my 27 years of existence, I have never been to Davao until last January. A Spanish friend who had their post-wedding party in Davao (their wedding ceremony was in Spain) invited friends over. As usual, I was to be their official wedding photographer. When we got married, Antonio was one of the groomsmen so it was kinduv an exchange of favor, except that Antonio had to pay for my travel expenses. haha

So anyways, I really had opted to go to Davao through the boat-bus route and not by plane so I can explore Mindanao some more. And explore we sure did. Mindanao is a huge island so our bus ride from Butuan was long -- about 7 hours. We took the new air-con Bachelor bus so we were comfortably seated.

Here are some photos from the trip.

#1 This was shot in the Port of Jagna, Bohol. The boat left at around 11pm and arrived in Nasipit at around 5am. Terence is still a bit drunk from the 2 San Miguel grandes we downed.

Port of Jagna

#2 This is a shot of the Bachelor Bus interiors. We rode on this from Butuan City to Davao. Took us about 6-7 hours.

Bus Interiors

#3 We arrived Davao City around lunch time. This is the facade of the Ateneo de Davao University.

Ateneo de Davao

#4 We we strolling around downtown Davao to look for some little bronze bells that Tito wanted to buy.

Downtown Davao

#5 At the wedding party..Tito, me, Terence and Antonio.

Tito Ryan Terence Antonio

#6 These vendors are persistent!

Bachelor Express

#6 We went home a couple of days after. This time, we rode the Bus to Cagayan de Oro City and took a boat direct to Tagbilaran City from there. We left around 7pm and arrived at around 5:30, just in time for this perfect (just before) sunrise shot.

Purplish Tagbilaran Sunrise

#8 As the ferry drew close to the pier, some Badjaos (sea gypsies) came paddling around on the side of the ship to dive for coins.

Great Expectations

To view more photos from this trip, please click here.

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