Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Friday, April 25, 2008

Travel: Stone Church in Talibon

Photo by Ryan Macalandag
Talibon, Bohol, Philippines

The Catherdral of the Most Holy Trinity in Talibon, Bohol is one of the heritage sites in the province. This massive stone church was built in 1852 using plans drawn by Domingo Escondrillas, then Cebu's Director of Public Works.

Talibon Church

A gold-mining town in colonial days, Talibon had attracted a sizable community of enterprising Spaniards. The Jesuit Gabriel Sanchez went to Talibon in 1596 after he and Juan Torres had organized the reducciones of Loboc and Baclayon. The Jesuits administered the mission from Loboc but because of the distance it took traveling along the coast, decided that it and Inabanga were more conveniently administered from the Colegio de San Ildefonso in Cebu.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohol_churches#Talibon

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

WebSight: The Plug

(WebSight, web sightings.)

So, I checked on Photojojo.com as I regularly do and stumbled upon this way cool link.

The Plug is an online "personal magazine" of sorts which features articles and stuff that not one publisher (even the sloppy tabloids) will ever publish. Not one. And boy, are we glad. The less people reading this site the better for us. The stories posted are as intellectual as they can be - bordering on foolishness and utter stupidity. Smut for the reckless, free-spirited mind. Cool.

But really, just go and check it out. I was just writing the last paragraph randomly to annoy you. Now, go!

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Photobin: True Radio Show Shoot

Lifestyle Photography
True Radio Show DJs and Staff Pictorials
by Ryan Macalandag

True Radio Show

True Radio Show airs on BCCTV Channel 6 TV every weekdays from 7 to 9 in the morning. Hosted by DJ Sandy, the show is originally radio only but BCCTV Channel 6 wanted to hook up with 911 FM so now they're also airing the radio show on TV.

Cool! Now you can actually see your favorite radio hosts beamed live to your TV sets. If you're on Channel 6 and you have cable that is.

Here they are: The FM DJs

True Radio Show

The whole True Radio Show crew:

True Radio Show

Solo shots!

DSC_4368-25 True Radio Show True Radio Show True Radio Show True Radio Show True Radio Show True Radio Show True Radio Show True Radio Show True Radio Show

Aren't they all adorable???hehehe Way to go guys! Keep it up.

For more photos from this set, go to my Flickr site.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Photobin: CVRAA '08 in Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Here are some photos from the opening parade of the recently concluded Central Visayas Regional Athletics Association Meet. The contingents walked from Plaza Rizal to CPG Complex for the opening rites.







For more photos from this set, please click here.

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

People: My Lola in B/W

Portait Photography by Ryan Macalandag
Tagbilaran City, Bohol

My Lola in B/W

My grandma is old and quite sick too. Old age has weakened her body leaving her episodes of rheumatic pains. But despite her illness, she is still quite sharp and witty. I've always been fascinated with her stories of yore - of how my grandpa caught two wild pigs in their corn farm in one night or of how she and her sisters would go to the barrio dances when they were still young. Or how they escaped from the Japanese when Davao was besieged during the war.

These stories seem to keep her cheery and young-faced again. She just lightens up with excitement and euphoria. She talks longer than I would have wanted her to. I wish I could record these stories and compile them for later when we got grandkids of our own already.

Sometimes, I cut her short of her story telling (I've heard of some of them!) and try to come up with a reason to leave. Often, she asks me what the name of my wife is. She sometimes forget. I say, "Regina, Lola, uy! Sige man ka kalimot." (Here name's Regina, Lola. You always forget.) She smiles and says, "Kanus-a man mo manganak kay para makakita na ko's imong liwat?" (When are you guys having a child?)

If and when we do have a baby girl, I should probably name her, Maxima. In honour of my dear lola.

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Photobin: Out of School Kids

Photo by Ryan Macalandag

This photo was shot in Trinidad, in their gym where the basketball court is. This area is the service entrance/exit. There was a event inside the gym with a lot of elementary and high school students attending. These two kids, apparently don't go to school but were attracted to the loud and raucous cheering inside. They just wanna be part of it all, somehow.


However, this girl below is probably too young to go to school, but all too eager to be with all the other kids too. She was giddy watching the young marching band as they passed by.


This little girl was awed by the performances on stage. She's not yet in school. She probably has a brother or a sister from among the students inside. Or she could be a teacher's daughter.


So, these are the school children who were inside the gym to watch the event. They were given bread and a tetra pack juice for snacks. No wonder the two boys outside wanted to go in.


One of the students inside were friends with the out-of-school boys hanging out by the service exit. He went outside to hand to them a packed juice and a sandwhich he had nicked from the lady who distributed the snacks.

Shot using a Nikon D80 and a Nikkor 50mm 1.8 lens.

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Photobin: Jack the Electrician

Portrait Photography by Ryan Macalandag

This is Jack. He works as an electrician for the local government unit of Trinidad, Bohol. He's probably like the head electrician 'coz he does a lot of stuff and has about 3-5 people working under him. When I went to Trinidad (for the town photography), Jack was one of the more interesting people I met. On my second visit, they we're assembling 4 huge-ass sub-woofers for the town gym.


Shot using a Nikon D80 w/ a Nikkor 50mm 1.8 lens attached.

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