Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Photobin: Out of School Kids

Photo by Ryan Macalandag

This photo was shot in Trinidad, in their gym where the basketball court is. This area is the service entrance/exit. There was a event inside the gym with a lot of elementary and high school students attending. These two kids, apparently don't go to school but were attracted to the loud and raucous cheering inside. They just wanna be part of it all, somehow.


However, this girl below is probably too young to go to school, but all too eager to be with all the other kids too. She was giddy watching the young marching band as they passed by.


This little girl was awed by the performances on stage. She's not yet in school. She probably has a brother or a sister from among the students inside. Or she could be a teacher's daughter.


So, these are the school children who were inside the gym to watch the event. They were given bread and a tetra pack juice for snacks. No wonder the two boys outside wanted to go in.


One of the students inside were friends with the out-of-school boys hanging out by the service exit. He went outside to hand to them a packed juice and a sandwhich he had nicked from the lady who distributed the snacks.

Shot using a Nikon D80 and a Nikkor 50mm 1.8 lens.

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