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Saturday, April 12, 2008

People: My Lola in B/W

Portait Photography by Ryan Macalandag
Tagbilaran City, Bohol

My Lola in B/W

My grandma is old and quite sick too. Old age has weakened her body leaving her episodes of rheumatic pains. But despite her illness, she is still quite sharp and witty. I've always been fascinated with her stories of yore - of how my grandpa caught two wild pigs in their corn farm in one night or of how she and her sisters would go to the barrio dances when they were still young. Or how they escaped from the Japanese when Davao was besieged during the war.

These stories seem to keep her cheery and young-faced again. She just lightens up with excitement and euphoria. She talks longer than I would have wanted her to. I wish I could record these stories and compile them for later when we got grandkids of our own already.

Sometimes, I cut her short of her story telling (I've heard of some of them!) and try to come up with a reason to leave. Often, she asks me what the name of my wife is. She sometimes forget. I say, "Regina, Lola, uy! Sige man ka kalimot." (Here name's Regina, Lola. You always forget.) She smiles and says, "Kanus-a man mo manganak kay para makakita na ko's imong liwat?" (When are you guys having a child?)

If and when we do have a baby girl, I should probably name her, Maxima. In honour of my dear lola.

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