Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

News: Ken and Emily's jumping prenup photo published in FOCUS (3rd edition)

by Ryan Macalandag

choco flying broomstick

The photo above was handpicked by one of the La Familias at the Inquiring Mind online magazine (www.inqmnd.ca) to be featured in the third edition of FOCUS Magazine.

Focus is another online magazine produced by Inquiring Minds which features amateur and professional photographers around the world. The ezine aims to provide a venue for unknown photographers to showcase their photos.

Here is the cover of the third edition:

Published: FOCUS 3 cover

This is the page where Ken and Emily's jumping pre-nup photo is featured:

Published: FOCUS 3

I especially like FOCUS because of the layout and not to mention the wonderful pool of photos and photographers included. It is really an honor to have been picked for this edition. All the other photos were amazing!

Most amazing of all is the fact that you can submit your own photos if you feel like it is worth publishing. Just send it to them via email or you may join the FOCUS Flickr Group.

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