Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Friday, April 03, 2009

Magtanim ay di biro kung ika'y batang walay ligo

Photo by Ryan Macalandag

Ang Panguma ni Dodong web

This kid should be in school. Period.


  1. This is real nice. the look of happiness contradicts the backdrop of poverty and destitution. the light that shines on the subject contrasts the darkness that characterize his current world. its a perfect portrait of an imperfect world. his going to school? maybe.....but behind the straws are many suppositions.....what if his father is sick and he is the only one earning for their keep? what if he has never gone to school at all and the ridicule of a 14 year old first grader jolted him on his first day? i know i know....this comment has no place on a photography space....better go back to boholanalysis.
