Liza suggested that this photo of Jaydee looked like a VC back in the days. Like, a naphalm-scorched vietcong more likely (God-bless their souls)!
But I meant this to look like a miner or a steel worker or sumthin' at first. (It still looks like it!) Got the idea from PARC (i forget his webby) who's perfect style looks quite (if a bit) like this. Anyways, thanks for the idea Sir PARC! :)
Ambo, went Jaydee's way also. :)
Photography by: Ryan Macalandag
Location: 6300media office
Equipment: Canon EOS 300D, EF 50mm 1.8, reflector
Assistants: Ambo, Atopz
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Photobin: Jaydee & Ambo VietCong Style
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
8:33 PM
Labels: bohol, photobin, photography, tagbilaran
Monday, December 11, 2006
NetFinds: Murphy's Lesser Known Laws
Murphy's Lesser Know Laws
1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
2. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
3. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
4. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
5. The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
6. If you lined up all the cars in the world end to end, someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them, five or six at a time, on a hill, in the fog.
7. The things that come to those who wait will be the scraggly junk left by those who got there first.
8. The shin bone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.
9. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
10. When you go into court, you are putting yourself into the hands of 12 people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.
Good joke: Murphy's Lesser Known Laws
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
10:03 AM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Photobin: John Dominique's Headshot
This is Jaydee. Another one of Ryan's headshot victims! LOLZ But, you've got to agree though. JD looks better here than in any other photo. Look even better than in person. Hehehe!
Photography by: Ryan Macalandag
Equipment: Canon EOS 300D, EF 50mm 1.8, reflector
Location: The 6300 Medialink office
Assistant: Jude Montejo
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
1:47 PM
Labels: bohol, photobin, photography, tagbilaran
Friday, December 08, 2006
Photobin: Gerry's Grill for Lifestylebohol
Together with the Lifestylebohol Team, we went to BQ Mall all of us and trooped into Gerry's Grill, one of the county's top restaurant franchises these days. Cameras and writing implements in tow, we were ushered around the restaurant feeling the rich ambience of its interiors and whetted our palates with the classy taste of what Gerry's Grill is all about -- great food and great atmosphere.
This is their chief chef. :)
The branch's Operations Manager. :)
Here are what they prepared for us for lunch. :)
And because, Mitzi was gonna be the one to write the article about Gerry's Grill, she was the first to dig in. (These assignments are her faves..hehehe!)
Photography by: Ryan Macalandag
Location: Gerry's Grill, BQ Mall, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Assistant: JD Migriño
Lifestylebohol Team: Liza, Sonieta and Mitzi
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
6:43 PM
Labels: bohol, canon, news, photography, tagbilaran
Thursday, December 07, 2006
News: Jason Magbanua's launches forum
At last, Jason Magbanua, the country's most requested wedding videographer today, has put up a new forum specifically catering to Pinoy wedding videographers. The site is the perfect place to huddle with fellows and discuss wedding video coverage -- from audio equipments to onsite MTV to editing workflows.
Visit the site today and learn more about wedding videography. Cheers!
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
6:17 PM
Labels: "jason magbanua", bohol, news, tagbilaran, videography, wedding
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Photo-Bin: 6300 Headshots
It's nice when you have friends who are (very,very) willing subjects for your photography lessons. Here, Jadee and Jude willingly pose in front of my lens as I was sharpening my headshot skills.
This is Jadee. No, he is not a bug, or worse, a fly. I like the vignette I did on this one though.
After seeing a video of Kevy Major Howards doing headshots of wannabee stars in his garage, I took up the challenge. Jude willingly obliged. hehehe
If you're a friend and very willing,contact me so we can set-up a shoot for your headshot. :)
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
2:07 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
Photo-Bin: Natural Finds
Here are a few natrue photos I shot last year. I found them while uploading Aldner's prenups to PicasaWeb. I think I haven't posted these yet so here they are. Enjoy.
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
1:37 PM
Labels: bohol, canon, nature, photobin, photography, ryan, tagbilaran
Aldner and Michell's Prenups
I've just uploaded Aldner and Michelle's prenups to my PicasaWeb account. I've also updated the fotomoments blog and posted photos of the prenups there as well.
Hope you like the photos. I'm really, really itching to shoot more of these. Prenups are pretty exciting since it is the first session with clients. During the shoot you get to know them better and at the same time guide/teach/harang them to be better photo subjects.
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
1:19 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran, wedding
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Guidelines to Photographic Composition
Composition Guidlines
I found this link at the Digital Photographer Magazine (Philippines) forum. This is of real interest not only for photogrphers but for all visual artists out there as well.
Good shootin! :)
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
11:24 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
The Business of Photography
David Hobby at the Strobist blog reviews an very helpful book for those interested in pursuing photography as a business.
I finally got a chance to finish John Harrington's new book, Best Business Practices for Photographers. What follows is the full review I promised when I first wrote about it. more>>Keep Reading: More of This Post, Photos and Comments
~David Hobby
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
10:51 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Photo Invitations - Baby Christening
Baby Riva, the daughter of Regan Sentillas and Laila Cericos, is to be christened on the 11th this November. The mother, Laila, who was a high school classmate asked me to make the invites.
This portrait is one of the pics I used for the invitation.
Here are the three design studies I made. I don't know which one Laila would choose yet. :)
Inspiration for these designs came from the Tiny Prints website.
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
3:30 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
Monday, October 30, 2006
Here's a short film we did a year ago.
Produced by : Sherwin Tutor
Shot and Edited by : Ryan Macalandag
Lights by : Jude Montejo
Production Assistant : Regina Estorba
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
12:27 AM
Labels: bohol, tagbilaran, videography
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
What is "beauty"?
Stumbled upon a gem of a wisdom over at Dino Lara's Blog a video about how beauty nowadays can be so deceiving. It also illustrates that beauty can really be skin deep.
Here's the vid and you decide for yourself what beauty really is.
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
10:35 PM
Labels: bohol, tagbilaran, videography
Monday, October 02, 2006
Regina's Sepia Portraits
One lazy fore-lunch morning, with a digital camera in tow, I was prodding Reg to pose for me. "I'm testing the sepia effect of this one", I told her and showed her a snapshot. Suprisingly, she indulged me. And sensing that this was gonna be a rare opportunity, I indulged myself too. Luved the shots.
(Please click on the photo to view larger image.)
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
12:45 AM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Picasa Album Updates
New albums posted at my Picasa Web Albums.
We had a blast using the strobes during our first studio shoot.
Reg and I took turns shootin ourselves using Liza's Cybershot.
Some photos from our wedding.
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
11:23 AM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
Friday, September 29, 2006
Netscape News Frenzy
When your mother often scolded you as a kid decades ago about not talking too much lies and deceits (or counter-lies and counter-deceits), she was actually warning you about how the world would change in the future.
Your future then, she thought and forewarned, would be full of lies and deceit, and counter-lies and counter-deceits, that they'd actually pass off as truth and honesty not just in your neigborhoods but more devastatingly in well repsected institutions such as news companies, etc., etc. Which is what is happening over at Netscape, Digg and other user-based news gathering websites.
Thing is, users get to look for "news" and post it in the websites (as links) so other users can read and vote for the "best news" of the day/week/year. The user with the most posts gets something in return. They get paid.
Sadly, most of the "news" that gets posted, read and voted are news at all. Most are just "qualified" rants and raves of people who think they know too much yet have their own different agenda. Talk about fair and un-biased journalism.
Good for you though. You've been forewarned by your mother about them people. So the next time you get snaggled by these types of "news", be polite and just say, "Right." And move on.
Chill! :)
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
10:47 AM
Labels: bohol, tagbilaran
Lazy Blogger
Dinah, one of Regina's more blog-addict friends, wrote somewhere that she's read my blog. Which could only mean that through all the corporate promos and inses(s)ant sales-talks with friends that I had was a success. Finally, someone noticed. Uncoerced by the way. (Well, she was guided but never forcefully...after a dozen tries).
Hehehe. I guess I'd have to prim up and kick my lazy but to update and post more. As if I have anything to post. LOLZ!
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
10:37 AM
Labels: bohol, tagbilaran
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Clell Tickle: Indie Marketing Guru
Found this video over at youTube. funny as hell! :p
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
12:03 AM
Labels: bohol, tagbilaran, videography
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Treadmill Dance
Saw this link at Dino Lara's Blog. Cool. Reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite. :D
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
11:14 PM
Labels: bohol, tagbilaran, videography
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
How much is too much?
A newspaper photojournalist was fired (twice) for tweaking photos. Find out more.
American Photo: Newspaper Photog Fired for Altering Photo -- Again
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
2:18 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Reg & Rye, First Photo Ever
Our first photo ever was taken during a Christmas party at the beach. Terence was just trying out his new "Old Yashica" and was asking me about manual settings. Obviously I overshot by at least a couple f/stops overexposed. Talk about mastering manuals!hehehe
Not too close Momi Reg! Your officemates are around!hehehe
Photo by Terence Krishna Lopez
Camera: Old Yashica
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
10:37 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
Sandugo 2006 Outtakes
Our little group of Tagbilaran photographers huddled quite late at around 11am Sunday morning for the street dancing. Present were: Terence, Jude, Liza, Dianne, Reg and Me. Most of us had our film cams in tow (heck we don't have digitals some of us!).
Butch (left) also a member (founding member actually, hehe) of the camera club was there although not to take shots. He's with Hyegiea, his girlfriend.
Dancing in the hot streets of Tagbilaran on a sweltering day isn't entirely an easy feat. But apparently, to these dancers, there seems to be no problem at all.
But some thought otherwise.
She just stopped clowning around and wore a frown.
This guy was just way deep into his own private thoughts.
If this bunch screamed "STOP!", I wouldn't be surprised. I was about to pass out myself as well.
Good thing Jude (6300Media) was there to capture moments with his brand new "old Nikon".
Whew! What a day!
More pics at My Flicker site.
Photos by Ryan Macalandag
Camera: Canon EOS 300D
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
7:29 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran
On the 26th of August...
Regina and I are going to be married at this place..the Shrine of Our Lady of Assumption in Dauis, Bohol.
The first plan was supposedly at the 4th floor chapel of the Holy Spirit School (where Reg graduated elementary and hight school from) but because we were lazy some other couple booked it first.
Anways, photo below shows the church (that tiny speck on the lower left part), the Dauis sunset, and the cool, cerulean blue sea. :p
Well, okay. That's me on the left and Regina on the right. Apparently. Cool couple huh?:D
This is the back of the church where the reception buffet will be held. Nice greens and the perfect backdrop of the old stone church wall. Let's just pray it won't rain.
Not really the model type. Nice composition by Reg though. :D
Told Reg to walk (not strut and sway) but strut and sway she did. Nice view. :>
The sea was just perfect! My model Regina would attest to that.hehehe
Anyways, see you people soon...if ever anybody is reading this...hehe
Photographs by Ryan & Reg
Camera/Phone: Nokia 6020
Posted by
Ryan Macalandag
3:58 PM
Labels: bohol, photography, tagbilaran