Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Personal: One too many holiday meetings!

I'm complaining though. Holidays are meant to be spent with friends, family and long lost friends and family.

Last night, together with a few photographer and videographer friends, we had a simple and quaint dinner at a "floating raft" in Villa del Sol. There were seven of us - me, Ryan Li, Meljun Daniel, Jude Montejo, Jeramil and the Joels (Diccion and Jumamil. Talk was free so we had a lot. That and some beers.

We planned to make the group regular with regular monthly meetings, activities and stuff. I say, it's about time. In an industry that is so small and cramped, it is just but proper for everyone to be friends and huddle where everyone can have fun and learn from each other.

That's Joel Diccion right there having a great time.
More photos here.

Lifestyle Bohol Meet-up

I was already a bit tipsy from the "camera club" party but I still had to go to Asiatika at the MetroCentre Hotel to meet some friends too. Jasper, who used to write for LifestyleBohol, just arrived from Thailand after a few years working there and had wanted to see everyone.

There's everyone. I didn't stay for too long though. Just had me some ample time for this pictorial...hehehe They had wanted to go sing videoke or sumthin. I went home earlier.

Oh, well. That won't be the end of it though. I suppose there will still be a lot of meet-ups and parties to go to as the holiday season dwindles down. (Fingers crossed.)

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