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Monday, December 10, 2007

Wedding: Trash the Dress, Bohol Style

Photos by Bohol Wedding Photographer Ryan Macalandag
Clients: Kim and Cindy Majam
Church: Dauis Church
Preps & Reception: Panglao Island Nature Resort

TTD 2 face copy

I had the opportunity to shoot Kim & Cindy for their Bohol wedding. They were quite young and hip and wanted a Bohol wedding photographer who can explore. So I did a "Trash the Dress" session with them right after the church ceremonies.

The day had started with a fickle weather already. It drizzled slightly in the morning but the sun had shone nicely that afternoon. But come late afternoon, the rain was torrential - almost a storm. All the plans I had for their post-ceremony shoot was gone and had to think fast and sure. I had thought we would do a sunset shoot by the beach already but the setting sun was nowhere to be found.

Thinking quick, we still headed for the beach in dark and did a TTD shoot amidst the thrashing waves. The couple were so cooperative and we had a blast. It was still raining then so we finished quick. My camera was a bit wet, needless to say.

Trash the dress intimacy copy

The photos above are some of my early edits and loved it. Amazed really. And quite humbled by the experience as well. As a photographer, I learned that I could only do as much. Beauty really should come from the subject. It is only up to the photographer to capture the moment if only to record it to be cherished for years to come.

Thanks for the opportunity, Kim and Cindz.

(More of this set, click here.)


  1. I agree the pics are remarkable. Twenty years down the road, however, their daughter/s is/are going to curse you for trashing her/their heirloom. Maybe I'm just too old for this sort of innovation. Again, great pics but someone will be sorry!

  2. Hahaha

    Oh yeah, I never thought about that. But, I'm sure their local neighborhood laundry shop can dry-clean the dress sparkling white!

    Thanks for dropping by, btw. :)
