Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Events: Sandugo Street Dancing 2007

Although the contingents/participants were all Bohol-based, the Sandugo Street Dancing 2007 was still a blast. Under the raging heat of the July sun, everyone lined-up and packed into the streets of downtown Tagbilaran, including us photographers who - as usual - were in our fighting forms as we trained our cameras in search for the perfect frames to capture that street dancing spirit. Whatever that means.

Here are some of the photos I shot. For more photos, please click here.

Some of the local photographers present were Lourd Pocon, Meljun Daniel, Terence Lopez, Miriam, Jean and Beatrice. I also saw George Tapan on the streets with his "bazooka" on a D200. Later that afternoon, I went with him to Abatan for a kayaking shoot.

Videographer-friends Jude Montejo, Sebastian Tufferi and Lalon(?) were also present with their videos. Mark from the Korean Broadcasting Service was also there.

I used a Nikon D80 with an 18-135 zoom lens for all the shots seen here. (Yeah, I still have to buy a 50mm1.8 and a 50-200 VR!)

Copyright ©2007 by Ryan Macalandag
All rights reserved.


  1. "WOW" i love photography! the work you did on the hot darling kids during the Sandugo was absolutley beautifull to look at.
    I just want to say I admire the look in your all your pictures brights are bright and blues are true blue in other words nice color and distance.
    By the way keep on being honest and too bad so sad if they can not accept honesty.

  2. Hey, precious! Thanks for dropping by and the comments.

  3. I am planning to shoot the sandugo festival this year 2008.. any tips?

  4. Hey Anton!

    When are you coming in? Maybe we can meet before the event.

    Well, there's nothing much to shoot for this year's street dancing. I heard there are quite a few contingents and only two of them are actually "preparing".

    I will be with some other local photographers covering the event also. We just usually wait at some point along the route and wait for the groups as they pass by. After that, we go to the Carlos P. Garcia Sports Complex for their "formal presentation" where they do the whole dance shebang.

    It's nice to shoot while they are preparing at the starting point too though. This year, it'll be at the city wharf.

    Text me at 0921-5706574 so we can meet up.

    There'll be beers for photographers after the show. I hope. :)

    See you then!
