Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Events: Spongcola @ ICM

Alrighty. I never knew Spongcola frontman's name before. During their first Bohol concert though, people (mostly girls, young girls) were incessantly yelling, "Yael!" (did I get it right?). It must be his name then. I didn't get his companions' names though. Their names weren't mentioned as many times as Yael's.

Anyhow, my apparent ignorance of Pinoy band member's names was shared in common with most of my companions that night. Most of them were French - Tuff, Miriam, Jean and Bea. Vera who danced like crazy to the songs is German. Terence knew the band though, being the Pinoy Band maniac that he is! Hehehe Tito on the other hand, just didn't care enough.

Sheena, on her blog, mentioned about a fireworks display. I didn't get to see it though.

All photographs taken by Ryan Macalandag
using a Nikon D80 DSLR
Copyright ©2007 All rights reserved.


  1. drifted here from bohol republic :)

    another sandugo post. no comment this time hehe

    it seems the 18-135 kit lens of nikon is really good.

    i'm thinking of shifting to d80 months from now that's why i can't buy a better canon lens to replace the kit lens (and 50mm)

  2. Hey, tutubi! Nice of you to drop by. Yeah, the D80 "kit" lens is a wonder. It's relatively fast (focus) and sharp, too. (well not as sharp as a fixed lens) My next lens purchase would be a 50mm though.

    It's about time to join the dark side. I'm sure you won't regret it.
