Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, August 09, 2007

People: Terence

This set of Terence was way shot about a year ago using a 50mm 1.8 lens on a Canon XTi. I was browsing through and remembered how nice it was to shoot with a normal-prime. Now, with a Nikon D80, I'll have to save up a couple thousand more since the Nikon 50mm costs about P6,500 in Hidalgo - about P3T more expensive than the Canon counterpart.

Anyhow, I really have to get that lens. And after that a 50-200 VR or an SB-800 to compliment to my SB-600.

I'm gonna have to pray for more projects to come then! :)


  1. but this was not the best shot of this set ryan! wahahahahahaha!

  2. Dude, click the photo to view the rest of the set. Thanks!

  3. nice blog. nice shots. it's good to know photography is alive in bohol. :)

    btw, i'd like to invite you to the blog bol-anon at htt://www.bol-anon.blogspot.com. thanks.

  4. @gibo

    thanks for the link, man. it'w very much appreciated! i'll link back also. :)
