Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Photobin: Another Tagbilaran Sunset

Sunset Photos by Ryan Macalandag
Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines

We do this often. After a day's work, Reg (my wifey) and I, we stroll around the city on my motorbike. It's really refreshing to just catch the wind and relax. Sometimes a dip into the nearest beach is pleasant. Or sometimes just catching the sunset from the city pier can be amazing.

When we went to catch the sunset last June 3, it was especially magnificent. I got to watch the sky change colors a million times - from blue to indigo, orange to red and dying out into a breathtaking purplish hue. Pretty amazing.

Tagbilaran City Sunset Walk

In this photo, we just arrived at the pier. It's okay, we're not late. The sun is up a bit. The colors will get better after the sun has fully set.

While waiting, we saw a bunch of people looking out to the see, apparently waiting for somebody. Turned out they were workers for the fishing vessel, waiting for their ship to arrive. They were about fifty-ish of them. They will be back in the morning with lot of fish - hopefully.

Tagbilaran City Sunset Walk-3

The sailboats below are definitely not for fishing. I wonder who owns these million-peso toys. I have never seen them ever setting sail though.

Tagbilaran City Sunset Walk-5

The sun has just fully set and the sky is a bit bluish in hue. It is getting ready to reveal more colors.

Tagbilaran City Sunset Walk-4

We decided to go to the other smaller pier (K of C) which sets the city pier beautifully in the distance. The whole perspective is amazing. So were the colors. Orangey-red. Fiery.

Tagbilaran City Sunset Walk-11

It's usually that when about 10 minutes after setting, it hit the overlying clouds in the horizon. The light bounces off as oranges and reds and purples too.

Tagbilaran City Sunset Walk-8

It was definitely a tension relieving experience. A lot of people do this every afternoon. Only a few bring out their cameras though.

After that, we went straight to the Cogon market to buy some fish. There is something with the smell of the ocean that made me crave fish and seafood. Yum.

Tagbilaran City Sunset Walk-12

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