Ryan Macalandag. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Basic Wedding Photography Workshop

Event Photography by Ryan Macalandag
Dauis, Bohol, Philippines

Here are some of my shots during the last Basic Wedding Photography Workshop we organized. It was held in Idea Town Houses in Totolan, Dauis. Kudos and many thanks to our models provided by Donald Fuertes.

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

The participants were a rather small group of 7 wedding photographers namely, Geramil Cordero and his photographer-wife Honeymae both from JC Digital. (more after the jump)

Julius Solis, Emeberto Solis, Jr. and Artemio Rebortera represented Digital of Bohol based in Loay. Ramil Guivencan operates a small studio in hi home in Panglao. And lastly, Beatrice Gallonier, a French hobbyist who also does underwater photography.

Despite the number, we all had a great time discussing basic wedding photography techniques from exposure to poses to maximizing the flash.

Photo Workshop

I discussed exposure basics (aperture, speed, iso), creative composition and flash photography in the morning and I outline the basic wedding flow in the afternoon. After the lectures, we went into the front yard of the venue to shoot the "couple" we got for this workshop. The participants all were giddy and excited about using their new found knowledge.

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

During the shoot, I discussed about basic portraiture lighting, basic posing and more importantly how to talk to the model/client/couple to get them at ease.

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

After the shoot, I made the all of them choose five of their best shots for everyone to see and critique. We all agreed at how improved everyone was after the day's workshop. I'm hoping they can use and practice what I taught them in their actual wedding shoots soon.

I will post their photos later.

For more photos from this set, please check out my flickr account.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Travel Manila: Manila Sunset at the Baywalk

Travel Photography by Ryan Macalandag
Manila, Philippines

This is the last batch of my Manila travel photos.

Manila Trip Aug 08-38

Manila Trip Aug 08-40

Manila Trip Aug 08-41

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Travel Manila: Random Photos

Travel Photos by Ryan Macalandag
Metro Manila, Philippines

Manila Trip Aug 08-18

I shot more than five hundred photos during my last trip. It's not a lot really but I didn't really get to use my camera either. Reg was always warning me about bad guys in the streets who are so desperate they can wrangle my camera off me in about a second without blinking. I became wary, too.

However, I just had to shoot. I sneaked some shots here and there when I felt it was safe or when my wife wasn't looking.

Manila Trip Aug 08-15

This photo above was by Reg in our our hotel, Malate Pensionne in Adriatico Street, Malate.

Photo below, another picture of Luneta, processed in LightRoom.

Manila Trip Aug 08-29

Manila Trip Aug 08-12

Manila Trip Aug 08-17

Manila Trip Aug 08-19

This photo was from an art exhibit in the University of the Philippines. We were going to visit Didine, a friend from Bohol who is currently taking her masters in UP. This art exhibit was called "100 Nudes", a collection of, well, one hundred nude paintings and drawings to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the state university.

Manila Trip Aug 08-13

While strolling down the paved streets of my dear old UP (I am a UP kick-out and proud of it), I could not help but feel "re-amazed" by the environment just as I was amazed when I first walked the halls of AS and Palma on the day of enrollment. It was made more mesmerizing, too, because walking hand-in-hand with me was my wife, herself a UP graduate.

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Travel Manila: Lovers in Luneta

Photography by Ryan Macalandag
Luneta Park, Manila, Philippines

Manila Trip Aug 08-31

"Alaala, ng tayo'y mag-sweetheart pa
Namamasyal pa sa Luneta Nang walang pera
So it's the laughter We will remember
Whenever we remember The way we were
Remember... the way we were." - Rico J. Puno

I was rummaging through my head for these lyrics when Reg and I went to Luneta. I didn't really bother to memorize the song before since I never thought I would
enever take a stroll in Luneta, ever in my life. But there we were, taking our time, testing Reg's new camera (cheap plastic for only P2200 plus). It took pretty decent shots nonetheless. (Read more after the jump.)

So anyways, I had fun and felt guilty about it. Luneta wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I saw a few "seamen" here and there, a couple lovers sitting by the "water show", some photographers, and a bunch of kindergartens on their first Luneta trip. Some groups of students (from a nearby college, I suppose), sat on the benches chillin'.

Here are a few photos I took while there. Enjoy! :)

Manila Trip Aug 08-25

Manila Trip Aug 08-27

That is Reg's KingCom point and shoot digital camera. It's cheap and plastic but produces decent photos. Check out her blog to see samples.

Manila Trip Aug 08-24

Manila Trip Aug 08-23

Manila Trip Aug 08-21

I forgot to take note of the two buildings that were prominent on the treeline. But they were pretty much on most of my shots.

Lastly, some photos of the Philippine flag . This is Luneta Park after all. This was where our national hero Jose Rizal was executed by the Spaniards. A huge monument with him and some fellow heroes stand in memory.

Manila Trip Aug 08-35

Manila Trip Aug 08-33

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Travel Manila: Cebu Pacific Flight

Travel Photography by Ryan Macalandag
Bohol to Manila, Philippines

Manila Trip Aug 08-3

We took the Cebu Pacific flight to Manila last Thursday, August 28. Reg, my wife, was due to leave for Amsterdam on the 30th. Before we left, Reg had made sure there was no crying or any other sentimental antics so we opted that few people would send her off. She will be taking her masters in the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague.

Check-in was a breeze since one (or more) of the attendants at the counter was Reg's friend. Her over-the-minimum luggage was not charged for the extra four or so kilos. Which was good. We had always been wary of it, especially for the international flight, since one kilo extra would mean 30 euros additional payment. Reg didn't have much euros to spare. (Read more after the jump.)

Manila Trip Aug 08-2

Manila Trip Aug 08-4

The flight was quite pleasant also. I was a bit excited to see the newly-opened NAIA Terminal 3. On the plane, we were seated near the front (row 2) and Reg was on a window seat (it's all about connections, baby) which was nice as we got to take pictures of scenes beyond the window, during the flight.

Seated with us (aisle) was the mayor of Maribojoc, Mayor Evasco, who turned out to be a former student at ISS back in 1989. What a great coincidence. Reg had an instant informal orientation about life in the Netherlands - weather, food, trams, travels to other European countries, etc. More importantly, she got a list of possible pinoy contacts who could be of help somehow. We thanked the mayor profusely.

When we finally landed, I saw the newly-opened airport predominant on the horizon. It was huge but it looked oldish to me. It was finished years before its opening. I was a bit frustrated. But it was definitely way better than the old domestic airport.

Anyways, here are a few photos from the flight:

Manila Trip Aug 08-5

Manila Trip Aug 08-6

Manila Trip Aug 08-8

The Metro Manila skyline is amazing from the top. It was a sunny blue-sky day thus the hovering smog that Manila is so infamous for was nowhere out of site. The sprouting skyscrapers looked no bigger than the teeny-weeny houses, cars and buses. As for people on the streets, I'm sure they were just too small to be seen.

Manila Trip Aug 08-9

More posts and photos to come soon.

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Music: Loboc Youth Band

Concert Photos by Ryan Macalandag
Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines

Sandugo Streetdancing 2008-83

My wife Reg and my sister Liza thought otherwise, but I thought the Loboc Youth Band are an amazing bunch to behold and listen to.

Imagine a group of 150 talented kids with their trumpets, trombones, flutes and what-nots, playing a range of tunes that are both skillfully tough and musically fun. Add-in a dash of kid's play and a hint of humorous side-plays. I was pretty amazed. Awed and amazed.

Sandugo Streetdancing 2008-85

These kids all hail from the town of Loboc in Bohol, known for their musical heritage and the internationally acclaimed Loboc Children's Choir. Their ages range from 6 to 15 based on their looks. I won't be surprised if some of them were younger though.

Sandugo Streetdancing 2008-87

Sandugo Streetdancing 2008-86

The group is conducted/led by Rene Balbin, Lobocanon and also a music icon in Bohol. His performance was equally impressive also.

Sandugo Streetdancing 2008-89

They played for an hour (and some) after the awarding ceremonies of this year's Sandugo Streetdancing competition. Hundreds of people saw the event.

Kudos to the group!

P.S. Reg commented that "i didn't really think otherwise...it's just that i was expecting more of a local repertoire. that presentation could have been a great opportunity to showcase local music"..I'm sorry Mommy..my bad..hehe

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