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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Travel Manila: Random Photos

Travel Photos by Ryan Macalandag
Metro Manila, Philippines

Manila Trip Aug 08-18

I shot more than five hundred photos during my last trip. It's not a lot really but I didn't really get to use my camera either. Reg was always warning me about bad guys in the streets who are so desperate they can wrangle my camera off me in about a second without blinking. I became wary, too.

However, I just had to shoot. I sneaked some shots here and there when I felt it was safe or when my wife wasn't looking.

Manila Trip Aug 08-15

This photo above was by Reg in our our hotel, Malate Pensionne in Adriatico Street, Malate.

Photo below, another picture of Luneta, processed in LightRoom.

Manila Trip Aug 08-29

Manila Trip Aug 08-12

Manila Trip Aug 08-17

Manila Trip Aug 08-19

This photo was from an art exhibit in the University of the Philippines. We were going to visit Didine, a friend from Bohol who is currently taking her masters in UP. This art exhibit was called "100 Nudes", a collection of, well, one hundred nude paintings and drawings to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the state university.

Manila Trip Aug 08-13

While strolling down the paved streets of my dear old UP (I am a UP kick-out and proud of it), I could not help but feel "re-amazed" by the environment just as I was amazed when I first walked the halls of AS and Palma on the day of enrollment. It was made more mesmerizing, too, because walking hand-in-hand with me was my wife, herself a UP graduate.


  1. Wow! This is a great new widget! Thanks Google team. :)

  2. Great pictures. Love the ones with the buildings. :D
