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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Basic Wedding Photography Workshop

Event Photography by Ryan Macalandag
Dauis, Bohol, Philippines

Here are some of my shots during the last Basic Wedding Photography Workshop we organized. It was held in Idea Town Houses in Totolan, Dauis. Kudos and many thanks to our models provided by Donald Fuertes.

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

The participants were a rather small group of 7 wedding photographers namely, Geramil Cordero and his photographer-wife Honeymae both from JC Digital. (more after the jump)

Julius Solis, Emeberto Solis, Jr. and Artemio Rebortera represented Digital of Bohol based in Loay. Ramil Guivencan operates a small studio in hi home in Panglao. And lastly, Beatrice Gallonier, a French hobbyist who also does underwater photography.

Despite the number, we all had a great time discussing basic wedding photography techniques from exposure to poses to maximizing the flash.

Photo Workshop

I discussed exposure basics (aperture, speed, iso), creative composition and flash photography in the morning and I outline the basic wedding flow in the afternoon. After the lectures, we went into the front yard of the venue to shoot the "couple" we got for this workshop. The participants all were giddy and excited about using their new found knowledge.

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

During the shoot, I discussed about basic portraiture lighting, basic posing and more importantly how to talk to the model/client/couple to get them at ease.

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

Photo Workshop

After the shoot, I made the all of them choose five of their best shots for everyone to see and critique. We all agreed at how improved everyone was after the day's workshop. I'm hoping they can use and practice what I taught them in their actual wedding shoots soon.

I will post their photos later.

For more photos from this set, please check out my flickr account.

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