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Monday, September 08, 2008

Travel Manila: Lovers in Luneta

Photography by Ryan Macalandag
Luneta Park, Manila, Philippines

Manila Trip Aug 08-31

"Alaala, ng tayo'y mag-sweetheart pa
Namamasyal pa sa Luneta Nang walang pera
So it's the laughter We will remember
Whenever we remember The way we were
Remember... the way we were." - Rico J. Puno

I was rummaging through my head for these lyrics when Reg and I went to Luneta. I didn't really bother to memorize the song before since I never thought I would
enever take a stroll in Luneta, ever in my life. But there we were, taking our time, testing Reg's new camera (cheap plastic for only P2200 plus). It took pretty decent shots nonetheless. (Read more after the jump.)

So anyways, I had fun and felt guilty about it. Luneta wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I saw a few "seamen" here and there, a couple lovers sitting by the "water show", some photographers, and a bunch of kindergartens on their first Luneta trip. Some groups of students (from a nearby college, I suppose), sat on the benches chillin'.

Here are a few photos I took while there. Enjoy! :)

Manila Trip Aug 08-25

Manila Trip Aug 08-27

That is Reg's KingCom point and shoot digital camera. It's cheap and plastic but produces decent photos. Check out her blog to see samples.

Manila Trip Aug 08-24

Manila Trip Aug 08-23

Manila Trip Aug 08-21

I forgot to take note of the two buildings that were prominent on the treeline. But they were pretty much on most of my shots.

Lastly, some photos of the Philippine flag . This is Luneta Park after all. This was where our national hero Jose Rizal was executed by the Spaniards. A huge monument with him and some fellow heroes stand in memory.

Manila Trip Aug 08-35

Manila Trip Aug 08-33

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